
Pets & Numbers

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  • What is 'un oiseau' in English?
    a bird
  • What is 100 in french?
  • Translate: I have five guinea pigs.
    J'ai cinq cochons d'Inde
  • How do I say 'I have ten rabbits' in French?
    J'ai dix lapins
  • Translate: 'Hello. My name is Sandrine. I am ninety-two years old.
    Bonjour. Je m'appelle Sandrine. J'ai quatre-vingt-douze ans.
  • Translate 'Bonjour. Je m'appelle Claude. J'ai quatre-vingt-trois ans.'
    Hello, my name is Claude. I am 83 years old.
  • Translate 'I have two blue cats'
    J'ai deux chats bleus
  • List 5 animals
  • What is 'a snake' in French?
    un serpent
  • Translate: J'ai un cheval. Il a vingt-cinq ans
    I have a horse. He is 25 years old.
  • How do we say '76' in French?
  • What is 'soixante-dix-sept' in English?
  • Translate 'J'ai cinq oiseaux orange'
    I have five orange birds
  • Count from 10 to 20 in French
    dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt!