
Fortnite Legend

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  • Complete this place name : "Lazy _____"
    Lazy Lake
  • What is the weakest weapon color?
    The weakest weapon color is grey.
  • If you eat a fish, what are the possible effects?
    healing, shield, etc...
  • When do you usually play Fortnite?
    I usually play Fortnite...
  • What is the most powerful weapon color?
    The most powerful weapon color is gold.
  • Currently, how many types of fish are there to catch?
    There are 10 types of fish.
  • Complete this place name : "Weeping ______"
    The place is called Weeping Woods.
  • What company created Fortnite?
    Epic Games created Fortnite.
  • Describe the character "Meowscles" to me?
    He is a large man with muscles, with a cat head. He is white, black and orange.
  • How many Marvel characters are in fortnite?
    There are 10 Marvel characters in Fortnite.
  • What is your favorite place to land in Fortnite?
    My favorite place to land is ______
  • Please describe your current character.
    *Own answer*
  • Describe this Fortnite character.
    A woman wearing bright pink clothes and a pink bear mask.
  • As the game goes on, what weather effect do the characters need to run away from?
    They run away from the storm.
  • How often do you get first place in Fortnite?
    I get first place...
  • What year was Fortnite released?
    It was released in 2017.
  • What is the name of this character?
    He is called Bassassin.
  • The next season (8) of Fortnite will start in what month?
    The next season will start in September.
  • What happens if you find this?
    If you find a llama, you can break it open to get some useful items.
  • What is your favorite weapon in Fortnite?
    *own answer*
  • What level are you now in Fortnite?
    I am level ***
  • How long have you played fortnite for?
    I have played Fortnite for ___ year.s
  • What is your favorite thing about playing Fortnite?
    I like...
  • What do you do with this?
    You drink it and it gives you 50 shield points.