
What context would a phrase be appropriate

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  • If someone said, "Sorry, I farted." It is appropriate to say...
    if the person is an adult at work
    if the person is a child
  • If someone said to you, "Why are you wearing that?" It is appropriate if...
    a stranger says it
    You are friends/family
  • If someone said "Why can't you let me do anything fun?" It is appropriate for...
    a teenager to their parent
    a student to their teacher
    a worker to their boss
  • If someone said, "Can you look at my bruise/cut?" It is appropriate to say...
    to a person who gets squeamish
    to a doctor
    to a stranger
  • If someone said, "Ew. I smell something gross!" It is appropriate to say...
    if someone is cooking something
    when you're at a zoo
    in an elevator with other people
  • If someone said "Clean the room, please." It is appropriate for...
    A parent to their child
    A kid to another kid
    A stranger to another stranger in a hotel
  • If someone said in a sing-song way, "I am slowly dying!" It is appropriate to say...
    at a funeral
    in a hospital
    using sarcasm with people they are comfortable with
  • If someone said, "I love you!" It is appropriate to say...
    to customer service on the phone
    one day after meeting someone
    to their pet/family member
  • If someone yelled, "Work harder!" It is appropriate for...
    a person to their pet
    a teacher to their student
    a coach to their team
  • After playing a game, if someone says, "Good game!" It is appropriate when...
    only when you lose
    only when you are jealous
    only when you win
  • If someone said "I hate my teacher." It is appropriate to say...
    at home with friends
    in the classroom with teacher present
    directly to the teacher