
Animals - War Heroes! (Pit Stop p. 12-13)

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  • What animal did Georgetown College change it's mascot to be after being visited by Sgt. Stubby?
    A Bulldog
  • What animal is so large that it has been used as a sort of tank against enemies?
    The elephant
  • What kind of animals are trained to find mines under water?
  • What rodents are commonly used to detect mines?
  • In what ways can domesticated service animals help their humans in home and out in the community?
    Various answers. Help with daily tasks, predict seizures and fainting spells, emotional support, help walking, navigation (for the blind), and therapy, etc.
  • Dogs can be trained for a lot of useful things in times of war. But what else is nice about them?
    They are good company
  • What animals were used as flying messengers during wartime?
    The pidgeon
  • What type of worms were used as lights in trenches during WWI? 
    Glow worms
  • When a war dog alerts after smelling that there has been a chemical attack, what should soldiers put on immediately?
    Their gas masks.
  • What are brave animals honoured with?
    By recieving the Dickin Medal