
Strong Passwords

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  • How many characters should you have in a strong password?
    8 or more
  • What four things should I include in a strong password
    numbers, symbols, capital letters, lower case letters
  • Why is the following password weak: MikeFootball
    Because it uses his name and doesn't use symbols or numbers
  • A strong password would include your name in it.
  • I can use my favorite color as part of my password.
  • In 30 seconds come up with a strong password
    Answers will vary.
  • Why is the following password a strong password: MKluvFs00tb@ll
    It uses numbers, letters and symbols and doesn't give any private information away.
  • Is this password strong or weak? mrsrogers
  • Is this password strong or weak? Sn0isfUn!
  • Is this password strong or weak? 45M@lly22!
  • Is this password strong or weak? Iluv2bu1ld!
  • What private information should you stay away from when you are creating a password?
    address, phone number, age, school, birthday.....
  • How often are you supposed to change your password?
    Every six months
  • Should you choose a word from the dictionary as your password?