
FCE - SPEAKING PART - preparation

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  • It lasts about ...
    4 min
    3 min
    2 min
    5 min
  • The examiner gives you
    1 colour photos, and asks you to compare it with nothing
    2 colour photos, and asks you to make a paper ball
    2 colour photos, and asks you to compare them
    2 colour photos, and asks you to draw on them
  • The other candidate speaks about their photo for a minute. Then...
    He/ she can say: Goodbye (an offensive name of your choice)!
    You speak for 1 minute about yout photos
    You speak for 30 seconds about their photos
    Running out of ideas here (-___-)/
  • When you finish
    Not creative enough to create a 4th option
    you can say: I'm as free as a bird can be
    the other candidate is asked a question about the photos
    The other candidate starts his turn comparing the photos
  • You have a
    2 min "long turn" speaking, which nobody interrupts you
    1 min "long turn" speaking, which nobody interrupts you
    1 min "long turn" speaking, which you can be interrupted
    2 min "long turn" speaking, which you can be interrupted
  • It tests your hability to
    organise your speaking, to compare, contrast, describe
    Improve social skills, since you will talk to a stranger
    talk like a native speaker
    Nothing, really ...
  • You
    shoudn't read the question, because it's dumb
    can't read the question, as it is not printed on the page
    can also read the question, but you need to ask the examiner
    can also read the question, as it is printed on the page