
G4 - U12 Grammar 2

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  • Finish the sentence: _____ you going _____?
    Are - to walk in the forest with your family
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Are you going to ride the roller coaster when you visit the theme park?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Is your class going to go to the circus at the end of the week?
  • Finish the sentence: _____ they _____ see the waterfall?
    Are - going to
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Is he going to see many animals in the theme park next weekend?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Is your sister going to ride her motorcycle to pick you up this evening?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Is your sister going to juggle the balls in your birthday party next month?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Are young going to take a lot of pictures when you go traveling?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Are you going to ride the unicycle with your friends at the park this afternoon?
  • Look at the picture and make a question with >=10 words.
    (suggested answer) Is your family going to go camping in the forest this month?
  • Finish the sentence: _____ your family going to _____?
    Is - ride the cable car
  • Finish the sentence: _____ your class _____ the town?
    Is - going to visit
  • Finish the sentence: _____ his friends going _____?
    Are - to ride their bikes