
Prepare Level 3

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  • What's the superlative adverb of easily?
    The most easily
  • What's this?
    A library
  • Which is the 8th month of the year?
  • What's this?
    It's a necklace
  • I swim OFTEN/LESS OFTEN than I did when I was younger.
    less often
  • Say one prediction for the future.
    You have to say a sentence with WILL
  • Do you PASS/APPROVE a test?
  • How do you spell 30th?
  • Correct this: I want to be a friend of him
    I want to be a friend of HIS.
  • What's the name of this river?
    River Thames
  • Say 6 words related to space, for instance: black hole.
    Planet, explosion, gravity, moon, space, star, universe, blue stars, supernova, nebula, sun.
  • How do you spell 20th?
  • What kind of game is pictionary?
    A board game
  • Mention 8 words related to music, for instance: blues
    Classical, drum, festival, folk, guitar, jazz, keyboards, pop, rap, rock, soul, trumpet, violin, piano, cello.
  • Spell 12th
  • What's this?
    A statue
  • What's this?
    A cathedral
  • What is the adverb of LOUD?
  • What's the weather like?
    It's foggy
  • CORRECT IT: Did you bought these trousers?
    Did you BUY....?
  • CORRECT IT: The weather was very well.
    The weather was very good.
  • What does this car need?
  • How do you say this symbol?
  • Which is the odd-one-out? meal - supper - lunch - breakfast
  • The person who lives next door is your...? N.....................r
  • Say 7 school subjects
    Art, P.E., biology, chemistry, geography, history, language, maths, music, physics, Frenh.
  • What's this?
    It's a washing machine
  • How many syllables does the name of this object have?
  • What's this?
    It's a hurricane
  • What are these?
    They're envelopes
  • Is this a price or a prize?
    It's a prize
  • Which one is correct? 1) This is my brother's dog. 2) This is my brothers' dog.
    1) This is my brother's dog.
  • CORRECT IT: Do they saw an aeroplane?
    Did they see...?
  • Say what this woman is in the hotel: G__ E__ __
    She's a guest
  • Spell 9th
  • What happened in this picture?
    There was an earthquake
  • Where do you wash the plates?
    In the sink
  • What's this?
    A tram
  • What's the adverb of careful?
  • What's this?
    A fridge or refrigerator
  • What's this?
    It's an engine
  • What's this?
    A mosque
  • What's the adverb of fast?
  • What's her job? Give FULL answer or oops! She's................
    She's a cook.
  • What sport are these kids doing?
    They're hiking.
  • How do you spell the plural of volcano?
  • Say one plan for the future
    You have to say one sentence with GOING TO
  • I like to watch swimming competitions because I'M SWIMMING/I SWIM too.
    I swim
  • What's this?
    It's a lightning