
Start of the year Level 6 Big Quiz

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  • Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1601 - convert this sentence into a passive one
    Hamlet was written by Shakespear in 1601
  • 'Although' rhymes with a) tough; b) toe c) cough
    b) toe
  • Unless you go to bed now, you .................(be) sleepy tomorrow
    will be
  • Real Madrid will play / are playing against Juventus tomorrow at 6pm.
    are playing
  • she won't know if she likes a new food unless she ..............(try) it.
  • Join these 2 sentences using a relative pronoun. Quentin Tarantino has just released a new film. I adore Quentin Tarantino's films.
    Quentin Tarantino, whose films I adore, has just released a new film.
  • Samantha would scream if she ................... (see) a spider
  • My father can't stand A) to listen B) listening to modern music
    B) Listening
  • Yesterday, Joseph wasn't hungry at lunchtime because: A) he ate a huge breakfast; B) he had eaten a huge breakfast; C) He has eaten a huge breakfast
    B) he had eaten a huge breakfast
  • What is the verb form of the noun 'choice'?
  • I've finished ................. (cook)! Come and eat!
  • He agreed...................(clean) up after the party
    to clean
  • If Martha won the lottery, she ..................... (buy) a new car
    would buy
  • Which is correct? A. I've never went to Paris B. I've never been to Paris
    B. I've never been to Paris
  • While we were walking our dog we ........ (see) a fox
  • I have a good relationship with all my work colleagues - I .......... on well with them
    get on well
  • What has recently happened?
    the person has cut their finger / has had an accident
  • what is the noun form of the adjective 'angry'
  • I would have bought you a gift if I ........................... (know) it was your birthday
    had known
  • Kenny is now at home. A) He has been driving 150km today; or B) He has driven 150km today.
    B) He has driven 150km today
  • Dawn was born in Nottingham, but she ............. up in London.
  • Baby shark is probably ........................... youtube video (superlative of 'bad')
    the worst
  • I really admire my parents, but the person I look ......... ....... most is my grandmother.
    look up to
  • My cousin WOULD / USED TO have a convertible car and USED TO / WOULD always give me lifts.
    USED TO ........ WOULD/USED TO
  • Name three herbs or spices
    spices (pepper, ginger, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric....) herbs (parsley, mint, basil, coriander....)
  • 'Do you know where the nearest bank is?' She asked me....
    She asked me if I knew where the nearest bank was
  • Why is Vinny covered in paint? A. Because he has painted or B. Because he has been painting
    B. Because he has been painting
  • Michael is going on a weekend a )trip b) travel c) journey to Amsterdam
    a) trip
  • If the Japanese hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor, the Americans ................................. (not joined) World War II
    wouldn't have joined
  • Would you like some/any coffee?
  • If I .................. (go) to the gym more often, I'd be in better shape
  • Poland is ................from Portugal than France (comparative 'far')
  • Nathan is very similar to his father. He takes ........... him
  • What's the correct question? I wrote a romantic letter to AN OLD FRIEND. A) Who did you write a romantic letter to? B) To who you wrote a romantic letter?
    A) Who did you write a romantic letter to?
  • Which is correct? A. Bert is so unhygienic - he's always picking his nose. B. Bert is so unhygienic - he always picks his nose.
    A. Bert is so unhygienic - he's always picking his nose.(present continuous for annoying habits)
  • Italian is .................... to understand than German (comparative 'easy')
  • Hugo to Marco: 'You should talk to a solicitor' Rob advised .......
    Rob advised her to talk to a solicitor
  • She avoided .............. (tell) me about her plans that evening
  • You / read / anything / yesterday? Make the past simple question
    Did you read anything yesterday?
  • Locals have seen the wolf on numerous occasions
    The wolf has been seen (by locals) on numerous occasions