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  •  Right now, I wait to have a game with my brother.
    Wrong: Right now, I'm waiting to have a game with my brother.
  • One game I am loving is backgammon.
    wrong One game I like is backgammon.
  •  You are winning by getting all your pieces to the end and off the board.
    Wrong: You win  by getting all your pieces to the end and off the board.
  •  I usually win, so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with  me.
    right: I usually win, so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with  me.
  • You are throwing your dice and then you move your pieces around the board.  
    wrong You  throw your dice and then you move your pieces around the board.  
  •  When your piece lands on one of the other person’s pieces, you are taking it off the board and you send it back to the beginning. 
    Wrong: When your piece lands on one of the other person’s pieces, you  take it off the board and you send it back to the beginning. 
  •  It is seeming quite easy, but in fact you are needing to be quite careful. 
    Wrong: It seems quite easy, but in fact you need  to be quite careful. 
  •  Some people are preferring chess, but I’m not understanding that game.
    Wrong: Some people  prefer  chess, but I don't understand that game.
  • He does his homework. 
    wrong: He's doing his homework.