
Text Structure

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  • Which text structure gives information organized in order of time?
  • When the earth's tectonic plates rub against each other, they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly, earthquakes result. Name the text structure.
    Cause and Effect
  • What text structure explains how to do something step-by-step?
  • Dr. Miller doesn't want the tigers to vanish. She thinks we should write to our congress people and demand the preservation of this species. She also thinks we should donate to Save the Tigers. Name the text structure.
  • Your Math teacher asks you to write out what you did to solve a difficult math problem. She thinks your explanation might help others. What text structure will you use?
  • Deep below a volcano is a magma chamber. It is under the bedrock of the earth's crust. Conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface. Most volcanoes also have a crater, or opening, at the top. Name the text structure.
  • Before applying a screen protector, clean the surface of your phone with a soft cloth. Then, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side to your phone's screen. Smooth out any air bubbles. Structure?
  • Students are not turning in their P.E. logs. Mrs. Rollie and Mr. Schrader are looking for suggestions on how to improve the situation. What text structure would you use?
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Text that describes an action and its results uses a problem/solution text structure.
  • You're asked to write a review of your top 3 video games. What text structure would you use?
  • In Social Studies, Mr. Winn asks you to write an essay explaining what made the colonists decide to write the Declaration of Independence. What text structure will you use?
    Cause and Effect
  • You're about to leave on a month long vacation to Europe. Your friends would like your intinerary (schedule). What text structure would you use?
  • You're reading an article that details the destruction left behind by an F5 tornado. What text structure is probably used?
  • How many common text structures did we discuss in class?
  • What text structure describes how something looks in a space?
  • TRUE or FALSE? A compare and contrast text structure only tells how two or more things are alike.
  • Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Chemical changes turn matter into something new, but physical changes don't change the make-up or identity of the original matter. Name the structure.
  • What text structure is used to present an issue and possible ways to solve it?
  • What term refers to the way that information is organized in a piece of literature?
    Text Structure
  • Hurricane Katrina began as a tropical depression on August 23, 2005. It strengthened into a tropical storm on August 24th. It became a category 1 hurricane two hours after making landfall on August 25th. Name the text structure.