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  • If you want to lower the price, you do this with the seller.
  • Name ways of paying for something.
    Cash / by credit card 
  • What is the name of the money you borrow from the bank?
    Credit / loan
  • What is the name of the money you borrow to buy a flat or a house?
  • Name four verbs we can use with the word 'money'.
    Spend / save / invest / donate / pay / make / lose / waste
  • If you inherit money from your grandma, what does it mean?
    Grandma has died
  • What is the name of the automatic machine from which you take cash?
    ATM / cashpoint / cash machine
  • How would you define the word 'debt'?
    The money you have borrowed and which you have to pay back
  • What is the word for the money you receive in your job, usually once a month?
  • What do you call money penalty for doing something wrong, e. g. 'speed ...'
  • What is the currency of Great Britain?