
Films and TV programmes

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  • A programme about matches and athletics.
    sports programme
  • When you want to watch TV you ... it ...
    turn on
  • A programme which shows adventures of some family members, usually for many years.
    soap opera
  • A programme telling you what is happening in your country and in the world.
    the news
  • Watch a film tonight. (suggest)
    Why don't we watch a film tonight? / Shall we watch a film tonight?
  • a person who takes part in a competition/ a quiz show etc.
    a contestatn
  • synonym to very funny
  • A programme with a jury watching your skills and abilities.
    talent show
  • A film which makes you laugh a lot.
  • an expert giving his/her opinion on some programme is called a ...
  • A programme in which invited guests talk about their lives or careers.
    talk show
  • A film set in the Wild West.
  • when a programme is shown at the most popular time for viewers, it's shown at ...
    peak viewing time
  • A film about happy or unhappy relationship between two people.
    romance / romantic comedy
  • If you don't want somebody to change the channel you tell him to ... it ...
    leave on
  • A film with Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, full of effective kicks and fighting.
    martial arts film
  • A film showing exciting adventures of a person, e.g. a spy
    thriller / adventure / action film
  • A programme which give you a clue about what kind of clothes to take the next day.
    weather forecast
  • A film full of singing and dancing scenes.
  • A film about vampires or zombies, really scary!
  • If there is nothing interesting on TV you .... it ...
    turn off
  • A film showing what distant future will look like, with trips to the space etc.
  • A programme in which people answer questions to win some prizes.
    quiz show / game show
  • A film showing the fight of some soldiers in a conflict.
    war film
  • A programme in which they fix and completely change your house so it looks like a new one.
  • a programme/show which you cannot stop watching is ...
  • a person who receives or entertains other people as guests
    a host
  • A film full of magic and magical creatures like dragons or elves.
  • a programme which makes you think
  • If you want to hear something louder you ..... the volume ...
    turn up
  • A film showing real people in real life situations.
    A documentary