
Mixed Conditionals

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  • You passed all your exams because you're a good student.
    I wouldn't have passed all my exams if I wasn't a good student.
  • You're learning how to drive because your parents paid for some lessons.
    I wouldn't be learning how to drive if my parents hadn't paid for some lessons.
  • You're reading this book because your friend recommended it.
    I wouldn't be reading this book if a friend hadn't recommended it
  • You didn't have a big breakfast so you're hungry now.
    If I'd had a big breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry now.
  • It's cold today so you came to school by bus.
    If it wasn't cold today, I would have come to school by bus.
  • You don't like soccer so you didn't watch the game last night.
    If I liked soccer, I would have watched the game last night.