
Passive voice

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  • They plant flowers in the garden.
    Flowers are planted in the garden by them.
  • John fixed the chair.
    The chair was fixed by John.
  • We planted trees in the park.
    Trees were planted in the park by us.
  • She paints a beautiful picture.
    A beautiful picture is painted by her.
  • The boy kicked the ball.
    The ball was kicked by the boy.
  • My parents take me to the park.
    I am taken to the park by my parents.
  • The mechanic repaired my car.
    My car was repaired by the mechanic.
  • The dog chased the ball.
    The ball was chased by the dog.
  • She writes poems in her free time.
    Poems are written in her free time by her.
  • He drives a red car to work.
    A red car is driven to work by him.
  • She finished her homework.
    Her homework was finished by her.
  • We clean the house.
    The house is cleaned by us.
  • I wrote a letter yesterday.
    A letter was written by me yesterday.
  • I washed the dishes.
    The dishes were washed by me.
  • He plays the guitar every day.
    The guitar is played by him every day.
  • He fixes computers.
    Computers are fixed by him.
  • I write a letter.
    A letter is written by me.
  • She bought a new dress.
    A new dress was bought by her.
  • They prepare a delicious meal.
    A delicious meal is prepared by them.
  • He built a table.
    A table was built by him.