
Food Trivia - September 2023

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  • Rice Krispies cereal has three mascots – what are their names?
    Snap, Crackle, & Pop
  • What was the first food eaten in space?
    apple sauce
  • Where were Doritos chips invented?
    Disneyland! In the 1960s
  • Among the numerous pizza toppings, which is the most commonly used?
  • Where was the Hawaiian pizza invented?
  • What popular Mexican dish literally translates as ‘little donkey’?
  • What state is credited for being the birthplace of the cheeseburger?
  • Why is pound cake called pound cake?
    The original recipe required a pound of each ingredient
  • “Spam” is a popular food in Hawaii. Which two words were combined to create the brand name?
    spiced ham
  • What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
  • Where were French fries first invented?
  • Which was the first fast-food restaurant to open an outlet in China?
    Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
  • What animal do they use in the Middle East for milk, meat, and transport?
  • Where were chocolate chip cookies invented?
    Massachusetts in 1930
  • If you suffer from Mageirocophobia, what are you scared of?
  • Mozzarella cheese is traditionally made from the milk of what animal?
  • What is the only food that can never go bad?
  • Which famous American beverage was first invented in 1886?
  • What is the only U.S. state where coffee beans are grown?
  • What type of food is the most frequently ordered item in the USA?
    chicken fingers and fries
  • Which variety of chili pepper is considered the hottest in the world?
    ghost pepper
  • What type of food holds the world record for being the most stolen around the globe?
  • Which fast food restaurant has the largest number of retail locations in the world?
    Subway Sandwiches
  • What type of food is a peanut?
  • What are the two most popular spices around the world?
    pepper & mustard
  • If you went to a Japanese restaurant and ordered Unagi, what would you get?
  • The state of Georgia is the 3rd largest producer of which fruit?
  • What is the most expensive spice (by weight) in the world?
  • What’s the difference between cilantro and coriander?
    There isn’t any difference - they’re the same plant