
Hypothetical Questions

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  • If you could make one thing that is now legal, illegal, and one thing that is illegal, legal, what laws would change?
    That should be illegal! 
  • What cartoon world do you wish you could live in for a week?
    That would be fun!
  • If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?
    E.T. is that you?
  • If you could speak two other languages fluently, what languages would you want to speak?
    Make it happen!
  • What fantasy creature would you love to bring into the real world?
    Can you imagine?
  • If you could know when and how someone would die just by shaking their hands but couldn’t change their fate, how would you use that power?
    Scary skill...
  • What do you wish grew on trees?
    That would look funny!
  • If you could erase one thing from existence, even the memory of the thing, what would it be?
    That's crazy!
  • If you could be the CEO of any company, what company would you choose?
    You can do it!
  • Would you want to live in a world where everyone’s thoughts appeared as text above their head?
    Let's rethink that...
  • If you could body swap with any person for 24 hours, who would you choose?
    That's shocking!
  • If you could control your dreams, what would you dream about?
    Maybe there's a way to do it...?
  • If you were reincarnated as an animal based on your personality, what animal do you think you would come back as?
    That would be so weird!
  • What would be your strategy for a zombie apocalypse?
    Let's hope it won't be necessary...
  • If your salary was doubled, what would you do with the extra income?
    Maybe it will come true one day? 
  • If extra lives were a thing in the real world, how would you get them?
    Controversial, isn't it?