
Can they Play any Instruments?

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  • Can ... play the saxophone?
    Yes, he can.
  • Can ... play the trumpet?
    No, she can't.
  • Can ... plau the violin?
    No, he can't.
  • Can you play it?
    the drums
    the accordion
  • Can you play it?
    the piano
    the xylophone
  • Can you play it?
    the acoustic guitar
    the flute
  • Can ... play the piano?
    No, he can't.
  • Can you play it?
    the guitar
    the bass
  • Can ... play the flute?
    Yes, he can.
  • Can ... sing?
    Yes, he can.
  • Can you do it?
    play the drums
  • Can you play it?
    the violin
    the guitar
  • Can ... play the piano?
    No, she can't.
  • Can ... play the violin?
    No, she can't.
  • Can ... play the trumpet?
    No, he can't.
  • Can you play it?
    the saxophone
    the tumpet
  • Can ... play the trumpet?
    Yes, she can.
  • Can you play it?
    the saxophone
    the clarinet