
Conventions Review

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  • Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? Hush the baby is sleeping.
    After the word 'hush'. An exclamation point could also be used, instead of a comma.
  • What needs to be corrected in the following sentence? The fbi has been called in to investigate.
    fbi needs to be capitalized: FBI
  • The word 'think' is what type of word: Noun, verb, adjective, or adverb?
  • What needs to be corrected in the following sentence? Joe was hungry, so he is eating his soup.
    The verb tense is not consistent.
  • Why is an exclamation point used in the following sentence? Stop! The stoplight is red.
    You use a comma or exclamation point with an interjection.
  • What is a verb?
    Verbs are 'doing' or 'action' words.
  • Is the following a complete sentence? When I was younger.
  • Define a complete sentence.
    A complete sentence is a complete thought. It needs a subject and a predicate.
  • Give an example of an adjective.
    answers vary
  • Why is the word NASA written in all capital letters?
    You capitalize acronyms
  • Explain why the following sentence has a comma in it. I love guinea pigs, and I have two guinea pigs named Finch and Consolation.
    When you combine two simple sentences with the word 'and' (or another conjunction word), you need a comma.