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  • What is fake news?
    A story that is presented as a fact in the news but it is a lie
  • How old do you have to be to have a FB account?
  • What should a safe password include ?
    numbers, special characters, capital letters
  • What is a flame?
    an online argument (a fight)
  • What does this symbol mean? (you can see it on a game)
    You can play it if you are over 18
  • What is the most popular social networking site among teenagers?
  • Give the password for your e-mail account, please
    NO WAY
  • You receive an e-mail from an unknown sender with a link. You click on the link. What happens?
    You install a virus on your computer
  • What is the best way to do when someone is hating you on the net?
  • Who can you share your log in details with?
    No one
  • What is frapping?
    When somebody forgets to log out of his/her FB account and you change his profile photo or post something on his/her wall
  • You receive an e-mail from an unknown sender with a link. What do you do?
    Delete the message
  • "martakowalska2002" - is this password safe?
  • "Do not feed the troll" what does it mean if you see it on the Internet?
    You should not react to the hateful comments someone posts
  • What is cyberbullying?
    It's bullying on the net / cyberagression / sending nasty messages online
  • Is is possible to find a person who is bullying you online?
    Yes, the police can do that
  • Is it a good idea to have the same password to all of your accounts?
  • Everyone can see your photos on FB. What do you need to change?
    privacy settings
  • If you cannot stand being hated / cyberbullied , what can you do?
    talk to a specialist/ teacher/ parents/ friend or call a helpline
  • If you need a photo of a cat for your presentation, is it ok to download any photo you like?
    NO, you need to check the usage rights first (the photo should be labeled for reuse)
  • Who is a troll?
    a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet posting rude or off-topic messages in an online community
  • Games usually have age restrictions. What do they refer to - the dificulty of the game or the content?
    The content
  • What is a "hate page" ?
    A page, usually on Instagram, that posts rude and mean comments about a specific person(s) run by haters
  • What is sexting?
    sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs, or images, primarily between mobile phones
  • What is netiquette?
    the rules of behaving on the net (especially communicating with others)