
Giving Compliments

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  • Your sister has a new coat. What could you say to compliment her?
    I like your new coat!
  • Your mom made a really good dinner. What could you say to compliment her?
    Dinner was delicious!
  • A classmate won a karate tournament. What could you say to compliment them?
    Good job!
  • Your brother fixed the computer for you. What could you say to compliment him?
    Thank you! You're great with computers!
  • A friend made the soccer team. What could you say to compliment them?
    Congratulations! You're such a good soccer player!
  • A classmate sang a song in front of the class. What could you say to compliment them?
    You have a beautiful voice!
  • A friend baked chocolate brownies. What could you say to compliment them?
    These brownies are yummy!
  • You see a classmate drawing a picture. What could you say to compliment them?
    I like your drawing!
  • Your teacher wore a cool shirt to school. What could you say to compliment them?
    That's a cool shirt!
  • A friend won first place in the spelling bee. What could you say to compliment them?
    That's awesome! You're a great speller!