
A Bad Case of Stripes

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  • What is the cure to Camilla's disease?
    Lima beans
  • Why did she never eat lima beans?
    Because her friends hated them and she wanted to fit in.
  • Did the experts have a cure for Camilla's disease?
    No, they didn't-
  • What happens when the class says the Pledge of Allegiance?
    Camilla's stripes turn red, white, and blue, and she breaks out in stars.
  • Why does Camilla's mother scream when she sees her?
    Because she looks like a rainbow.
  • What did Camilla love?
    She loved lima beans
  • What does Camilla do after the old lady offers her the lima beans?
    She refuses to eat them.
  • Who finds the cure to Camilla's disease?
    An old woman
  • Did the experts have a cure for Camilla's disease?
    No, they didn't-
  • What happens after Camilla takes the pills prescribed by the specialists?
    She turns into a giant, multi-colored pill
  • What was Camilla always worried about?
    She was always worried about what other people thought of her
  • What is the name of the girl?
    Camilla Cream
  • Why does the principal ask Camilla's mother not to bring her to school?
    Because she thinks Camilla distracts her classmates and maybe she is contagious
  • What do the children call Camilla?
    They call her Crayon and Night of the Living Lollipop
  • What happens when Camilla goes to the school that day?
    Everybody laughs at her.
  • Does Camilla feel sick?
    No, she doesn't
  • What kind of medicine does Dr. Bumble prescribe Camilla?
    He prescribes an ointment.
  • Who did Dr. Bumble bring to help Camilla?
    Two specialists, Mr. Melon and Mr. Groud