
1st conditional intro

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  • What will you do if it's freezing cold tonight?
    S' own answer
  • If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?
    S' own answer
  • What will your teacher say if you are late on Friday?
    S' own answer
  • What will you do if you run out of food in your house?
    S' own answer
  • If you want to relax after class, will you watch TV? (why/why not?)
    S' own answer
  • If your computer breaks next week, what will you do?
    S' own answer
  • If you prepare breakfast on your own, what will you eat?
    S' own answer
  • What medicine will you take if you catch cold?
    S' own answer
  • If you have some free time on Sunday, will you study? (why/why not)?
    S' own answer
  • What will you do if you can't sleep tonight?
    S' own answer
  • What will you do if your neighbours annoy you?
    S' own answer
  • Will you sweep the floor if I prepare lunch? (why/why not?)
    S' own answer
  • If you get lots of homework, how will you feel?
    S' own answer
  • If you decide to eat out, which restaurant will you go to?
    S' own answer
  • What will you eat if you are hungry at midnight tonight?
    S' own answer
  • If it's cold tomorrow, will you ice swim? (why/why not?)
    S' own answer
  • What will you do if your friend invites you to the cinema tonight?
    S' own answer
  • Will you get a cat if you decide to have a new pet? (why/why not)
    S' own answer