
Park Life - Past Continuous

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  • What was Sam doing?
    He was skateboarding.
  • Was Ella using her phone?
    No, she wasn't. She was reading.
  • Was Daniel wearing a yellow shirt?
    Yes, he was.
  • Were Mateo and Jack sitting on a bench?
    Yes, they were.
  • What was Kim doing?
    She was walking and listening to music.
  • What was Maya doing?
    She was taking a photo (of Daniel) on her phone.
  • Were Mateo and Jack wearing caps?
    Yes, they were.
  • Was Daniel eating a donut?
    Yes, he was.
  • What was Mia playing?
    She was playing the violin.
  • Who was sleeping?
    Luna was sleeping.
  • What was Luna doing?
    She was sleeping.
  • What was Leo eating?
    He was eating a burger.
  • What were Lily and Ethan doing?
    They were jogging/running.
  • Was Kim using her phone?
    Yes, she was.
  • Was Logan sitting next to Ella?
    Yes, he was.
  • What were Noah and Zoe doing?
    They were kayaking.
  • Was Oliver skateboarding?
    No, he wasn't. He was walking the dog.
  • What was Sarah doing?
    She was doing Yoga.