
Mesopotamia chapter 3

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  • What do you call a group of people who speak the same language, have the same laws, and believe the same things?
  • Why were there walls around the cities in Mesopotamia?
    The walls protected the Mesopotamian cities from their enemies.
  • What do we call something that is from long long ago?
  • What did the queens wear?
    Gold jewelry
  • What did the floodwaters leave behind?
    Rich soil
  • What did the people write on?
    Clay tablets
  • What does protect mean?
    to cover or shield from something that would destroy or injure
  • What is cuneiform?
    Writing used in Mesopotamia.
  • What did the kings of Mesopotamia do?
    The kings had to protect the cities, people, and farmland from their enemies.
  • Who is one that tries to hurt or overthrow?
    The Enemy
  • what is a stiff hard plant that grew in Mesopotamia?
  • What does flooded mean?
    a great flow of water that rises and spreads over the land.
  • What does Mesopotamia mean?
    The land between two rivers.
  • What tools were used by people who could write?
    reeds and wet clay tablets.
  • What do you call collecting food from the Wild? Gathering?
  • Where did the people in the cities get their food from?
    The farmers