
YLS3 Oral Review

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  • How can we take care of our planet?
  • How can we be better citizens?
  • How can we make our goals a reality?
  • Would people be happier if everyone earned the same amount of money?
  • How can we use fewer resources at home?
  • What benefits can helping others offer?
  • Is money necessary to achieve your goals?
  • Do you think gold is necessary for our lives?
  • Why do you think that helping others might be good for your education and health?
  • Do you think all schools should have community projects? Why or why not?
    I think ...
  • What can we do to change the world?
  • What kinds of goals inspire us?
  • What does it take to achieve a goal?
  • How are animals a resource?
  • Who do you think needs our help the most?
  • What factors make resources valuable?
  • What resources do we take from the Earth?