
Large Numbers and Counting

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  • How do we read "766,354,902" out loud?
    seven hundred sixty-six million three hundred fifty-four thousand nine hundred and two
  • The man with the beard is ______________ in line (from the left).
  • How can we round off "766,354,902" to two decimal points?
    7.66 million
  • You see an attractive person at a club. They give you their number: 506-789-1011
    five oh six seven eight nine seven eight nine ten eleven
  • You're at a store looking for toothpaste. It costs $3.99. Plus you want to get another toothbrush which costs $1.99. How much is that
    $4.99 (four ninety-nine)
  • People in the United States celebrate Valentine's Day on....
    February 14th (fourteenth)
  • How do you say this hotel room (206) out loud?
    two oh six
  • Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44,000,000,000. How much is this?
    44 billion dollars