
SO B2 Unit 1

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  • Can you believe that I’ve taken/took my driving test five times so far and still didn’t pass/haven’t passed it?
    ’ve taken, haven't passed
  • He ’s studied/studied more so far this fortnight than he did/’s done all year. I wonder what’s brought on this sudden change?
    's studied, 's done
  • What I love about Christopher is that he’s so very sensible and down-to- ___ .
  • He ’s worked/worked as a shop assistant for five years before he ’s become/became a manager.
    worked, became
  • Richard’s such a people ____ that I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful teacher and maybe in the future, even a head teacher.
  • I haven’t seen/didn’t see any interesting wildlife documentaries on television recently, have you?
    haven't seen
  • How much did you have to pay for your car? I’d be interested to know ___
    I’d be interested to know how much you paid for your car.
  • Although she ’s always loved/always loved reading, she only started/has started trying to write her first novel last month.
    's always loved, started
  • When we said that we wanted to take the flat, we were told we had to pay a non-refundable d____ to secure it.
  • She’s not shy but she likes to____ herself to herself and spends a lot of her free time doing her own thing.
  • What time does the film start on screen one? Could you tell me _____
    Could you tell me what time the fil starts on screen one?
  • Jorge found it difficult to control his ____ when his computer crashed midway through the report he was writing. (frustrate)
  • Although the rest of the family were laughing at the comedian’s jokes, it was clear from Mum’s expression that she really was not at all ____ . (amuse)
  • My daughter’s just asked me if she can s___ up for a Flickr account
  • No one was surprised when Mel said she was going to start her own software company. She’s always been such a computer___.
  • It was a ____ moment when we locked ourselves out of the car and realised we’d left our phones, coats and wallets inside. We were miles from anywhere and it was snowing. (worry)
  • One of the most ____ moments of my life was when I forgot my lines in the school play. (embarrass)
  • Who did you get that beautiful necklace from? Do you mind me asking who ____
    Do you mind me asking who you got that beautiful necklace from?
  • Which company is he working for now? Do you know which company ____?
    he’s working for now
  • How long did it take you to make their wedding cake? Can I ask ____
    ... how long it took you to make their wedding cake?
  • Have you ever flown in a helicopter before? I am wondering _____
    __ if you have ever flown in a helicopter?
  • She’s never been/was never one for sorting things out around the house and up to now, didn’t even learnt/hasn’t even learnt how to change a lightbulb!
    's never been, hasn't even learnt