
Bees Bees Bees

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  • The group of bees is called ...
  • The biggest bee in the colony is called a
    The queen bee. She's the mother of every bee in the colony.
  • Do bees make honey?
    Yes, they do
  • Are there different types of bees?
    sweat bee, carpenters, honeybees,  leaf cutter,hairy-footed bee, stingless bee
  • What is a house of a bee called?
  • A yellow powder made by flowers is called
  • Why are bees important?
    We can not live without bees becausey the pollinate flowers and crops, fruit and vegetables
  • How many wings do bees have?
    Two pairs of wings (4) - the larger fore wings and the smaller hind wings
  • What is the name of a baby bee?
    larva. It hatches out of an egg.
  • Which bee can sting: a male or female?
    Female bees sting
  • Do bees live underground ?
    Yes, some of them do
  • Why do bees sting?
    Bees only sting to protect themselves or their nest
  • In one collection trip, how many flowers does a bee visit?
    50 to 100 flowers.
  • Bees can see all colors except one. What is that colour?
  • Which of these bees sting - Drone? Worker? Queen?
  • Where is the only place on earth bees are not found?
  • Do bees have hair ?
    Yes,they do!
  • What do bees use to smell?
    Their antennae
  • What do bees eat?
    They mainly eat the nectar and pollen from flowers. Young bees eat honey in the winter.
  • True or False: Bees have a special dance to show there are lots of flowers.