
used to / would / past simple

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  • He _____ (be) a very good basketball player, until he broke his ankle.
    used to be
  • Kids _____ (talk) to their parents this way, what has happened to those days?
    didn't use to talk/ wouldn't talk
  • I loved going to my grandmother's house because she____ (cook) amazing dishes every time we visited her.
    would cook/used to cook
  • We ____ (go) to Switzerland in 1990.
  • My friends ___ (play) football after school often, but I only _____(play) once because I don't like football.
    used to play / would play, played
  • We ___ (go) to the park and play with our dog when I was a kid.
    used to go/ would go
  • At the start of their marriage, they ___ (be) very happy - but then it all went wrong!
    used to be
  • Years ago, I _____ (write) a diary every day but then I got bored with doing it and I stopped. Maybe it was my life that was boring
    would write/used to write
  • The airline _____ (lose) my luggage when I travelled to New York.
  • Luke _____ (not have) a car
    didn't use to have
  • You _____ (spell) so well. Whatever happened?
    used to spell
  • He _____ (be) able to dance very well
    used to be
  • We _____ (go) to the same restaurant for lunch every day when I was a student
    used to go/ would go
  • For years, they ____ (go) on holiday to Punta del Este, but then it became very fashionable and, hence, expensive.
    used to go/would go
  • Before getting my driving licence, I _____ (ride) a bicycle everywhere.
    used to ride/ would ride
  • I _____ (have) short hair when I was a teenager.
    used to have
  • My granddad _______ (tell ) us stories about his life as a policeman.
    used to tell /would tell
  • My grandmother _______ have long, fair hair.
    used to
  • I ______ (not like) cabbage.
    didn't use to like
  • She _____ (love) playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder
    used to love
  • He _____ (break) his leg while skiing when he was 10.
  • There _____ (be) so many people in the streets but now there is barely anyone.
    used to be
  • As a child, I ___ ( lose) when I played chess with my father.
    would lose/ used to lose
  • I ____ (jump) out of a plane on my birthday last year.
  • You ____ (like) him... Yes, but now I hate him !
    used to like