
ielts writing part 1

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  • Name 3 adverbs that mean " a big change"
    significantly, dramatically, substantially
  • List 3 synonyms of " rise"
    increase, go up, soar
  • Name 3 adverbs that show a fast change
    quickly, sharply, rapidly
  • What is it?
    a Bar chart
  • Name 3 adverbs that mean " Gradual change"
    gradually, slowly, 
  • What is it?
    a Table
  • Five words or phrases to show 'round' numbers
    approximately; just over; nearly; about; almost;
  • What are the verb and noun for the word that means constantly rising and falling?
    fluctuate / fluctuation
  • Four phrases used to discuss data
    It can be seen; the numbers represent; the figures show; there has been;
  • Name 3 synonyms of " decrease"
    fall, decline, go down
  • List 2 adjectives that mean " small change"
    slight, modest, insignificant
  • Name 3 adjectives that are commonly used as nouns to describe data
    a rise, a decrease, a fall
  • What is it?
    a Pie chart
  • List 3 adjectives that mean " big change"
    dramatic, substantial, significant
  • List 3 adjectives mean " no change"
    steady, stable, unchanged
  • What is it?
    a line graph