
The Big Sixth Class Revision Quiz

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  • Where did Martin Luther King deliver his "I have a dream" speech?
    The Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
  • Why do sloths climb down from the rainforest canopy?
    To poop!
  • In what ocean would you find the Bermuda Triangle?
    The Atlantic Ocean
  • How many of his wives did Henry VIII have executed?
  • How many wives did Henry VIII have ?
  • What was the type of salt that the ancient Egyptians used in mummification?
  • In what city did Rosa Parks refuse to give up her bus seat?
    Montgomery, Alabama
  • Which Greek king planned and led the attack on Troy?
  • What had the Salmon of Knowledge eaten that had made him a magical fish?
  • What is the capital city of Brazil?
  • In what U.S. city was Martin Luther King Jr. shot?
    Memphis, Tennessee
  • On what continent would you find the Spectacled Bear?
    South America
  • What does an omnivore eat?
    Meat and plants
  • How heavy can the largest bears get?
    Up to 700 kilograms
  • What date is Independence Day in the U.S.A.?
    The 4th of July.
  • In "Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry", who is Cassie Logan's teacher?
    Miss Crocker
  • Who was the old scholar who told Fionn about the Salmon of Knowledge?
  • What animal did the Greeks build from wood to trick the Trojans?
    A horse
  • In which county would you find Loftus Hall, the haunted house?
  • What age was Martin Luther King when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964?
  • What was the name of the Greek queen that Paris took back to Troy?