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  • a person who is in the same class as you
  • two people have a romantic relationship with each other
    go out together, date, see each other
  • a person that you work with
    a colleague
  • to stop speaking with someone or writing to them
    lose touch
  • to gradually learn more about someone
    get to know someone
  • to have the same interests, experiences, or qualities as someone or something else
    to have sth in common / have mutual interests
  • your friend in other words
    a buddy, a pal, a mate
  • you like each other and are friends
     get alonf with them / get on well with them
  • to contact someone
    get in touch
  • a person that you share a flat with
    a flatmate / a roommate 
  • two people who are married or in a romantic relationship
    a couple
  • a very good friend that you can talk to about anything
    a close friend
  • you meet somebody, yo have things in common and you spend time with them.
    become friends
  • to begin a legal relationship with someone as your husband or wife
    get married
  • end a relationship
    break up
  • a person you used to have a relationship with
    an ex
  • the person you are engaged to be married to
    a fiancé male / a fiancée female
  • you husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend
    a partner / a SO - a significant other
  • ask someone to marry you