
Outcomes pre-int test

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  • say five types of film, and describe what each is usually like.
  • say five verbs that collocate with money and use each one in a sentence.
  • The US stock market is going to improve over the past few / in the next few months.
    in the next few months.
  • You ______ bring water. There are drinking fountains all around the school.
    don't have to
  • when there is ____ somewhere, a lot of people there do not have a job
  • What kind of things might be covered by insurance?
  • You ______ bring anything dangerous to school.
  • I’ve always been loving / loved the theatre.
  • You _________ bring lunch, but you can if you want. Packed lunches can be eaten in the dining hall.
    don't have to
  • if you ____ someone money, you have to give it to them because you borrowed it from them or because you have to pay them for something they have done for you or sold to you
  • The cost of living is rising over the last year / at the moment
    at the moment
  • Not everything is worse than when we were / are younger.
  • She’s been studying for / since three hours.
  • She’s been studying for / since three hours.
  • You _________ be on time for classes.
  • Say the names of three films that have amazing special effects.
  • Bitcoin has fallen in value over the last six weeks / currently.
    over the last six weeks
  • What could ruin a party?
  • They’re really tired because they’ve been practising / practised their new song all day.
    been practising
  • I’ve watched / been watching my favourite film ten times.
  • I’ve been learning English for / since I was seven.