
The ugly one 11-15

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  • Please don't torment me! what do I mean?
    stop giving me ice cream
    stop entertaining me
    stop telling jokes
    Stop treating me cruelly
  • He basks in the praise. What does this mean?
    He takes a bath
    He decries the attention
    He washing his clothes with soap called praise
    He savors the moment
  • If I disfigure someone then I
    pounce on their face
    I limit their vide game playing time
    mar their face
    I correct their mistakes
  • Which is an example of imploring?
    I redeemed a gift card at FNAC
    I disobeyed my parent's request
    I order Thai Noodles at the cafe
    I begged for more time to play videos
  • What might cause your stomach to churn?
    having more homework
    reading a good book
    playing golf
    playing mine craft
  • Which is more likely to be described as torment
    feeling of intense boredom by having nothing to do
    feeling of deep anger having lost a game
    feeling of intense annoyance by being harrassed
    feeling of no stress or worry because it vacation
  • Which of the following might soar?
    an elephant
    a lion
    a mouse
    an eagle
  • What might flicker?
    a tongue
    a finger
    all of these
    a flame
  • I saw it scurry along the floor. What is it that I saw?
    an elephant
    a cat
    a tiger
    a roach
  • I might feel gratitude if someone
    stole my money
    asked me for money
    gave me money
    burned my money
  • If something were to seep into our water system then it would
    move seasonally or periodically into it
    rush quickly into it
    pass gradually through small openings into it
  • soar doesn't only mean to fly but it also means to
    fall suddenly
    rise swiftly
    flail about
    lay flat
  • Sometimes you like to ramble on. YEs, you
    talk and talk and talk and talk...
    get revenge against pokemon you lose to
    stop taking showers
    imitate a clown
  • He is so oblivious to what is happening around him. This suggests that
    He is attentive
    He knows everything that happens
    He is inattentive
    He is sharply aware
  • I saw a snake molt its skin in the sun. What did I see
    I saw a snake shed its skin
    I saw a snake sun bathe
    I saw a snake naked in the sun
    I saw a snake die in the sun
  • What might cause the sea to churn ?
    a small clownfish
    a change in temperature
    a hurricane
    you swimming in at the beach
  • He __________ read the book to make sure he didn't miss any details.
  • Poultice means
    a deep bruise from hitting oneself hard
    medical dressing on a cloth applied to the skin for healing
    a scab over a wound that allows healing
    a scar left over form a knife wound
  • If you were expelled from your country then you would be
    an exile
    in the file
    on the nile
  • I saw it flicker in the night. What is it that I might have seen?
    a candle burn unsteadily
    a beggar on the corner smoking
    a mouse scurrying on the street
    a bat flying around
  • If I coax you then I
    frighten you
    make you laugh
    influence you to do something
    teach you something new
  • It withered away slowly!
    It soared
    It grew fat.
    it dried up
    It became disfigured
  • He reassured him that everything would be ok. what did he do?
    he restored his confidence
    he told him bad news
  • churn means to
    be a winner
    be buttery smooth
    become a loser
    be agitated
  • If I have some extract from an orange blossom, what do I have
    I have a small amount of orange blossom
    I have an orchard
    I have a banana
  • If I said you were a menace to society then I would mean that
    you had big claws
    you were a threat
    you were helpful and kind
    you were very intense on instagram
  • Which word could replace poultice
    a crutch
    a bandage
    a cast
  • she is so detached that it is hard to understand what she is feeling.
    She has a lack of emotional involvement
    She is curious
    She is overly emotional
    She has some skill
  • which can mean falter
    all of these
  • Oh My! I just had a revelation! what just happened?
    I had an astonishing thought
    I made my bed
    I just captured the best pokemon
    I just built an awesome house in mine craft
  • That causes earnings to plummet. what does plummet mean?
    drop sharply
    rise suddenly
    remain unchanged
  • He warily approached the haunted house. What did he do?
    He ran recklessly into the house
    He was courageous and bold as he approached
    He approached with caution and prudence
    He was sleep walking as he approached the house
  • a meager amount would be a
    an average amount
    a scanty amount
    a large amount
    an enormous amount
  • If I rig the votes of the election so that I win then I
    count them
    throw them out
    oversee them
    manipulate them
  • who is likely to ramble?
    a runner who is tired
    a bus driver who is careful
    a baby who is hungry
    a speaker who is nervous