
Is it ok?

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  • Your mom asks for a hug. Is it ok?
    Yes, but if you don't feel like hugging her you can say no.
  • Is it ok to change your clothes in a locker room?
    Yes, this is a private space.
  • Is it ok to watch porn or look at sexually explicit photos on the bus?
    No, this is only ok in private spaces and should never be done in a public space.
  • Is it ok to change your clothes in a park?
    No, that is a public space.
  • Is it ok to play music or videos from your phone out loud on a public bus?
    No, you should use headphones to be kind and respectful to others in a public space.
  • A stranger asks you if you want to come to their house. Is it ok to go with them?
  • A stranger with a sign that says, "Free hugs," asks you if you want a hug. Is it ok to hug them?
  • An acquaintance from basketball keeps trying to hug you throughout practice, even though you don't want to. Is it ok?
  • A person you met through online video games ask you if you want to want to their house to play a game. Is it ok?
    No, if you've only met them online it would be a better idea to meet in a public place rather than a private place.
  • A friendly person at work asks you if you want to get coffee after work. Is it ok to get coffee with them?
    Yes, if you feel safe, respected and enjoy spending time with this person. No, if you are not interested or this person makes you feel unsafe.