
Are You Stuck?

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  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "It sounds scary, but I know I can be _____"
  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "I don't know it ____"
  • What is a stuck thought?
    a thought that never ends
    a thought that keeps you from trying again
    a thought covered in sticky glue
  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "I'll get ______ if I keep _____"
    better, trying
  • What advice would you give a friend who keeps thinking, "I messed up. I always mess up. Everybody is mad at me. They hate me"?
    answers vary
  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "It may not be ______, but I know I did my ____"
    perfect, best
  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "This is hard, but not _______"
  • What advice would you give a friend who keeps thinking,"How am I supposed to do this? I've never even done this before"?
    answers vary
  • What advice would you give a friend who keeps thinking, "I can't keep practicing. My brain hurts, my fingers hurt, everything hurts"?
    answers vary
  • What advice would you give a friend who keeps thinking, "I don't want to try. I might fall down. I might get hurt."
    answers vary
  • Fill in the Blank to get UNSTUCK: "You never know until you ______"
  • Tell everyone about something you did this week that made you feel proud of yourself.
    answers vary
  • Tell the group about one STUCK THOUGHT you had this week. How did you get UNSTUCK?
    answers vary
  • Tell everyone about something someone else did this week that made you feel proud of them.
    answers vary
  • Tell the group about one STUCK THOUGHT you had this week. How did you get UNSTUCK?
    answers vary
  • What advice would you give a friend who keeps thinking: "This math problem is impossible. I'll never figure it out"
    answers vary