
City or country

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  • the average cost of food, clothing, and other necessary or usual goods and services paid by a person, family, etc
    cost of living
  • the state of being nameless
  • city life
    urban lifestyle
  • To make the same journey regularly between work and home
    to commute
  • the trend for people to migrate from the countryside to cities, leaving the rural areas with few people
    rural depopulation
  • a person who lives in the city
    city dweller
  • The people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise (i _ _ _ _ _ _ y)
  • A residential area located on the outskirts of a city (s _ _ u _ _ _ _)
  • the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, i.e.: transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
  • facilities, resources; any feature that provides comfort, convenience, or pleasure (restaurants etc)
  • the possibility to find a job in the future
    job prospects
  • Tranquility, freedom from stress, no noise or disturbance
    peace and quiet