
OSH Team Random Bamboozle

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  • Who is the leader of the rock band The Rolling Stones?
    Mick Jagger
  • Who is the singer of "I Will Always Love You"?
    Whitney Houston
  • What is the biggest ocean?
    The Pacific
  • How many days are there in a leap year?
    366 days
  • What is the largest organ in the human body?
    The largest organ in the human body is the skin
  • How many types of bears are there?
    There are eight species of bears
  • Which animal sleeps the longest?
    The koala, which usually sleeps 22 hours a day.
  • Which woman received two Nobel Prizes, for physics and chemistry?
    Marie Curie
  • How often does Halley's comet pass by the earth?
    Every 76 years
  • What city are the Beatles from?
  • What year did the Titanic sink?
  • What is the name of the actor of the protagonist grease boy?
    John Travolta
  • On what date was the French Revolution?
  • What is the closest star to Earth?
    The Sun
  • Who is the scientist who discovered gravity?
    Isaac Newton
  • How old is the earth
    4.543 billion years
  • Which river runs through London?
    The River Thames
  • Which actor starred in the original Star Wars trilogy as Luke Skywalker?
    Mark Hamill
  • What is the capital of Turkey?
  • What is the longest bone in the human body?
    The femur
  • The human heart takes less than one minute to pump blood throughout the body: true or false?
  • Who discovered penicillin?
    Alexander Fleming
  • Who is the king of the gods in Greek mythology?
    The king of the gods in Greek mythology is Zeus
  • Who wrote Hamlet?
    William Shakespeare
  • What is the hardest mineral on the planet?