
What Does It Mean to be a Disciple of Christ

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  • Explain this statement: Nephi: “I glory in plainness; I glory in truth."
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to serve.
  • How is being a "disciple" different than being a "follower"?
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to serve.
  • Explain in your own words: "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart " (Matthew 6:20,21)
  • What does it me to "take upon him or her the name of the Savior"?
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to serve.
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to forgive.
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love the Lord more than the world and are steadfast and immovable in their faith.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to submit themselves to the Lord with peace in heart..
  • Explain in your own words: True disciples love to stand in holy places and love to make holy the places where they stand.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to forgive.
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to submit themselves to the Lord with peace in heart.
  • Share a teaching of Jesus Christ that inspired you.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to stand in holy places and love to make holy the places where they stand.
  • Explain in your own words: True disciples love to submit themselves to the Lord with peace in heart.
  • Complete and explain; Being the foundation stone of our daily life, pure _______ is a requirement for every true disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love the Lord more than the world and are steadfast and immovable in their faith.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to forgive.
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to forgive.
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to submit themselves to the Lord with peace in heart..
  • Explain in your own words: "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain" (Matthew 5:41)
  • Explain in your own words: Matthew 5:44-46
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love to stand in holy places and love to make holy the places where they stand.
  • How is being a disciple today different from being a disciple in Acts?
  • Share a time when you were an example of this: True disciples love the Lord more than the world and are steadfast and immovable in their faith.
  • Explain in your own words: True disciples love to forgive.
  • Explain in your own words: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." (Matthew 7:1,2)
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to serve.
  • Explain in your own words: True disciples love the Lord more than the world and are steadfast and immovable in their faith.
  • Share a time when you saw a person be an example of this: True disciples love to stand in holy places and love to make holy the places where they stand.
  • Explain in your own words: True disciples love to serve.