
Reading poptropica 5 unit 1

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  • Why does Mike like Gizmo?
    Because he never complains
  • Who is in picture 1?
    Polly, Gizmo and Mike
  • True or false: In picture 5 Mike has got a book
    False. It is a newspaper
  • True or false? Hector Frost and Smith are the thieves
  • Find in the text an adjective to describe PERSONALITY
  • Find in the story a character who is wearing glasses
    It is in picture 3
  • Find in the text the description of the thieves.
    One has got dark hair and is tall and the other is bald
  • Find in the text adjectives to describe PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
    curly, tall, dark hair...
  • Correct the sentence: Polly is excited because he sees Smith outside
    False. It is Gizmo
  • Find in the story a character who has got a beard
    picture 4