
Mongolia Then and Now!

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  • Where did Mongolians live?
    Mongolians lived in Yurts
  • What did Mongolians eat?
    Mongolians ate meat
  • Mongolian warriors _ _ _ _ leather or metal helmets to protect their heads
    Mongolian warriors WORE leather or metal helmets to protect their heads
  • Today most Mongolians _ _ _ _ in the capital city Ulaanbaatar.
    Most Mongolians live in Ulaanbaatar
  • What did Mongolians wear?
    Mongolians wore a deel, boots, fur skins, silk
  • Is this sentence correct? The past tense of eat is eated.
    No, the past simple form of eat is ate.
  • What do Mongolians wear today?
    Modern clothes influenced by Korean fashion
  • What do Mongolians eat?
    Mongolians eat meat, dairy products and animal fats