
Airport and hotel icons

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  • What do you need to do after the check-in area?
    After the check in area, you need to go through customs to check your carry on luggage for any prohibited items
  • What do you do here?
    When you board the plane, you will find your seat on the plane
  • What happens when you arrive at the hotel?
    When you arrive at the hotel, the Bellhop will take you luggage and carry it on the luggage cart for you.
  • What does it offer?
    The hotel room offers room service, complimentary toiletries and different beds.
  • What happens when you land at your destination?
    When you land, you will go and collect your checked luggage from the baggage claim
  • What happens at the check in area
    At the check in area, you will check your suitcases in and receive your boarding pass
  • What happens after customs?
    After the customs check, you will find your boarding gate
  • What do you need to do first?
    You first need to go to the check-area to receive your boarding pass and check in your luggage
  • What happens at the front desk?
    At the front desk I check into my room and get my room key
  • What happens when you find your boarding gate?
    When you find your boarding gate, you will go wait in the boarding lounge for your flight.
  • What happens after you wait in the boarding lounge?
    When it is time to fly, you will go over the airbridge and board your plane.
  • At the hotel you can___________
    At the hotel you can go do many different activities at the fitness center, the pools, the sauna and the spa.
  • What will the airport shuttle do?
    The airport shuttle will take you to your hotel.