
Level 6 SW Module 2 Share

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  • evergreen
    a tree that does not lose its leaves in the winter and stays green all year round
  • proceeds
    the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold
  • breadth
    the distance from one side to another
  • hamper
    to prevent someone doing something easily
  • relish
    to like or enjoy something
  • ignorant
    Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated
  • abduct
    to kidnap, take by force
  • slaughter
    to kill in order to obtain meat
  • barrage
    a rapid, large-scale outpouring of something
  • ascend
    to move upward
  • salvo
    the action of firing several guns at the same time, either in a war or in a ceremony
  • expanse
    a large, open area of land, water, or sky
  • obstruct
    be in the way of; hinder; impede; block
  • savour
    to enjoy an experience, activity, or feeling as much as you can and for as long as you can
  • carnage
    the violent killing of large numbers of people, especially in war
  • kerosene
    a clear liquid with a strong smell made from coal or petroleum and used as a fuel in jet engines
  • enlist
    To formally join a military force