
What Would You Do If...?

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  • A classmate brought cupcakes for her birthday and yours fell on the floor.
  • You bit into an apple and there was a worm in it.
  • Your tooth fell out during class.
  • You were locked out of your house.
  • You saw your classmate cheating off your test paper.
  • You dropped a plate and it broke.
  • Your teacher called on you, even though you didn't raise your hand, and you had no idea what the answer was.
  • Another student called you a bad name.
  • Someone pushed you in the hallway.
  • You felt sick at school.
  • You spilled glue all over your desk in the classroom.
  • You chose the wrong outfit for a birthday party and now you are the only one different.
  • You woke up late and were late for school.
  • A classmate told the teacher lies about you.
  • You wanted to play ball at recess, but all of the balls were already being used.
  • Your school work was too hard.
  • You spilled your drink all over in the lunchroom.
  • Your shoes were too small and were hurting your feet at school.
  • You hated your assignment and you didn't want to do it.
  • You didn't understand what the teacher asked you to do.
  • A classmate at your table smelled really bad.
  • It was really cold outside and you needed to go out for recess, but you forgot your coat.
  • You saw a big kid picking on a little kid at breaktime.
  • You were buying food but you realized you forgot your wallet.
  • You lost your jacket at school.
  • You tripped on the stairs while your classmates watched and you felt embarrassed
  • You got hurt at recess.
  • Your art project turned out terrible.
  • You had a great idea for an answer in your classroom, but a classmate said your answer before you did.
  • A classmate was making annoying noises while you were trying to think and work.
  • Your pants ripped at the playground.
  • Your teacher yelled at you for messing around in the bathroom.
  • Your computer wouldn't work.
  • You answered a question in class but you were wrong.
  • Your markers were all dried out and you needed to make a project.
  • You were so tired during school.
  • Your dog was all covered in mud after walking him outside.
  • There was a fire drill and you were in the bathroom.
  • You don't like the lunch provided for you.