
Can you...?

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  • Can you remember the names of all your classmates?
  • Can you say the days of the week in 10 seconds?
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  • Can you: play tennis? play chess? swim two miles?
  • Can you say the the name of the song from this videoclip?
    Thriller, Michael Jackson
  • Can you say the same of this song?
    Sweet child o'mine
  • Can you say three things you can do with your smartphone?
  • Can you say "I love you" in three languages?
  • Can you say what movie is this?
    Pretty woman
  • Can you say three things you can do in your country when you are 18?
  • Can you sleep: in a bus or on a plane? with the light on?
  • Can you park easily: on the street outside your house? in the city centre?
  • Can you say what band sings this song?
    The Beatles
  • Can you read: in another language? in a car or on a bus?
  • Can you count from 1 to 20 in 10 seconds?
  • Can you say what series is this?
  • Can you count from 1 to 100 in tens?