
Bucksmore Presentation Skills

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  • True or False: When giving a speech, you (usually) have to open your mouth
    True: Obviously
  • True or False: If you have created good audio and visuals, then you do not need to worry about your communicaiton
    False: They are only tools, YOU are the most important thing in the presentation
  • True or False: Have on your slides exactly what you will be reading out loud
    False: The slides should be to help with the presentation, if it is a script of what you are saying then you do not need to be there and it will distract them
  • True or False: Find one audience member and keep eye contact with them throughout
    False: This will be terrifying for the one you choose, and alienating for the rest
  • True or False: Connecting with your audience is more important than making sure you cover all the prepared material
  • True or False: It is not how a presenter thinks for feels that will most influence their audience, but instead how they outwardly behave
    True: Even if you are nervous, anxious, or in a bad mood, if you behave confidently, the presentation will work
  • True or False: The middle part of our presentation is when the audience is most attentive
    False: They are most attentive at the beginning and the end of the presentation
  • True or False: Making your audience laugh is extremely important
    False: It can be helpful, but also can be inappropriate depending on your topic/audience
  • True or False: You should have specific objectives when giving a presentation and stick to them
  • True or False: What we have to say has a greater effect than how we say it
    False: You have to convey the information well, otherwise the audience may as well be reading a piece of paper
  • True or False: You have to use images, videos, and audio in your presentation
    False: While these can be useful, they are not all necessities
  • True or False: The most important thing to remember about your introduction is that you must convey how important the subject matter is to you
    False: It doesn't matter how invested you are, you have to make it interesting to your audience
  • True of False: Keep your chest up high and shoulders back
  • True or False: It is important not to be far under or over your allowed time
  • True or False: When doing Q&A at the end of your presentation, don't finish the presenation until the last question is answered
    False: Although this might make sense in small presenations, in larger ones it could take an entire year!
  • True or False: Making your content logically organised in your presentation is more important than analysing and knowing your audience
    False: Both are important, but you make make it appropriate for your audience first and foremost
  • True of False: If working in groups, it is important for everyone to have similar amounts of speaking time
  • True or False: Studies have shown that "how we say the words" will have more impact than "what the audience sees"
    False: As most humans are visual learners, visuals will help greatly to grab and keep their attention
  • True or False: Speaking in an interesting way is more important than speaking clearly
    False: It doesn't matter what you're saying or how you're saying it if no-one can understand you
  • True or False: You should always shout during a speech/presentation
    False: While you may need to speak loudly, shouting constantly will tire out yourself and your audience