
IR 4.1 Week 23 VC: Art of Poetry

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  • Abby teacher spoken Korean _______ to Danny teacher.
    incomprehensibly (adv)
  • If you are drowning in the water, do the _____. It will help you swim to shore.
    backstroke (n)
  • Josie teacher's track and field record (running) is the best, which means she is _____. :)
    unsurpassed (adj)
  • Abby teacher's cute Pokemon card collection is _____ by everyone.
    unsurpassed (adj)
  • In the summer, Abby teacher likes to go on _____(es/s) around the world.
    cruise (v): cruised, cruising, cruises
  • When Harry Potter was first written, it was described as _______. People loved it!
    extraordinary (Adj)
  • Every morning, Abby teacher _____(es/s) her coffee with a fork because she cannot find a spoon.
    stir (v): stirred, stirring, stirs
  • For Danny teacher to live, it is _____ for him to buy Pokemon cards.
    necessary (Adj)
  • When Abby teacher pushed Danny teacher into the water, he _____ to the bottom. :O
    plunge (v): plunged, plunging, plunges
  • Erik teacher was so annoyed he lost the game that he _____(ed/d) it.
    smash (v): smashed, smashing, smashes
  • Abby did not think it was _____ to bring an umbrella to work because it did not look like it was raining.
    necessary (Adj)
  • Abby teacher had to fix the book because it became ______.
    unglued (adj)