
AY-1 Vocab Week 22

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  • Hyejoon carefully wrote down the ______(s) from her science project experiment.
    result (n)
  • They feel really ___________ sitting in the hottub.
    content (adj)
  • Bugs bunny is not good at ____________(ing) the food to the customers.
    serve (v)
  • Sophia was _____ when she found out her parents got her favorite food for dinner.
    delighted (adj)
  • After Danny teacher didn't clean his room for 10 years, there was a ____ smell coming from his room.
    nasty (adj)
  • Sean was so excited to ______ his presents on his birthday.
    unwrap (v)
  • You should keep your ____________ things in a safe place.
    valuable (adj)
  • To make sure you get all your ___________(s/es) done, you should use a checklist.
    task (n)
  • There are many evil _____________(s/es) in disney movies.
    stepmother  (n)
  • Going into the ocean without learning how to swim is a ____ decision.
    risky (adj)
  • It can be hard to _______ all your things into one bag.
  • The bird was ____________ by the bush.
    concealed (adj)
  • I love the way ____________ fireflies dance in the night.
    glimmering (adj)
  • She was ___________ of all the girls that were invited to the party.
    jealous (adj)
  • Because Danny teacher was running out of MI dollars, he decided to _____ the amount he would give to students everyday.
    decrease (v)
  • Building legos can be _____, especially if they are the big ones.
    confusing (adj)
  • In case there is a fire, students must know the correct ______ to escape the burning building.
    procedure (n)
  • In order to keep himself safe, SpongeBob ________(ed) himself in the sand.
    bury (v)
  • I get __________ when I get all the answers wrong.
    furious (adj)
  • Fireworks can be a _______________ sight to see.
    magnificent (adj)
  • She was ___________ about eating her snack.
    overjoyed (adj)
  • Sophia quickly went from being an ______ with Yumin to very good friends.
    acquaintance (n)
  • The covid test Danny teacher took came out _____ so he was happy.
    negative (adj)
  • The shoes were so _________ they were hard to walk in.
    worn (adj)