
Relative clause who/that, where, which/that

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  • Roses are flowers. They grow in my garden.
    Roses are flowers which/that grow in my garden.
  • That is a thief. He stole my bag.
    That is a thief who/that stole my bag.
  • This is a firefighter. He saved a boy from fire.
    This is a firefighter who/that saved a boy from fire.
  • That is a man. He caught the biggest fish.
    This is the man who/that caught the biggest fish.
  • There are footprints. My cat left them.
    These are footrpints which/that my cat left.
  • This is the dress. I'm going to put it on for the party.
    This is the dress which/that I'm going to put on for the party.
  • These are the shoes. I really like them.
    These are the shoes which/that I really like.
  • Those a re children. They live next door.
    Those are children who/that live next door.
  • This is my sister Jenny. She's very funny.
    This is my sister Jenny who/that is very funny.
  • That is a cookbook. I bought it for my granny.
    That is the cookbook which/that I bought for my granny.
  • Carpathians are the place. We often go there for holidays.
    Carpathians are the place where we often go for holidays.
  • Dogs are animals. They're people's best friends.
    Dogs are animals which/that are people's best friends.
  • This is my new neighbour. He moved in last week.
    This is my new neighbour who/that moved in last week.
  • Varenyky is a dish. I really like them.
    Varenyky is a dish which/that I really like.
  • Jazz is a kind of music. My dad likes it.
    Jazz is a kind of music which/that my dad likes.
  • This is the school. I studied there.
    This is the school where I studied.
  • These are the boys. They broke the window.
    These are the boys who/that broke the window.
  • Maths is a subject. It is very difficult for me.
    Maths is a subject which/that is very difficult for me.
  • This is the house. My grandma lives there.
    This is the house where my grandma lives.
  • That is the shop. My mum bought me trainers there.
    That is the shop where my mum bought me trainers.
  • That is the sports field, Our team play football there.
    This is the sports field where our team play football.
  • This is the singer. He is my favourite.
    This is the singer who/that is my favourite.
  • This is a school canteen. We go there for lunch.
    This is a school canteen where we go for lunch.